• Ophelia’s English Adventure
  • Meet the Reverend Evelyn Kendall
  • Pacific School of Religion
  • Stars and Stripes
  • U.S. Out of My Uterus!
  • Philadelphia Design Awards Call For Entries
  • Nike Town
  • COR Therapeutics 1991
  • Dance Umbrella Season Brochure 93/94
  • Dance Umbrella Season Brochure 94/95
  • Infiniti Q45: “Its Beauty Is Balanced”
  • Infiniti M30: “It Is More Fun to Drive”
  • Infiniti G20: “You Feel As A Driver, A True Unity”
  • The Observation Deck
  • NikeTown Directories
  • Women's Pavilion NikeTown Portland
  • National Medical Enterprises Inc. Annual Report 1988
  • Maximus
  • Kids Sign NikeTown Orange County
  • Women's Pavilion NikeTown Atlanta
  • Abba Eban:  An Autobiography
  • James Joyce in Padua
  • Dimensions '85 “Predictions”
  • Menthol
  • Nike Basketball—The Family
  • Izzy Catalogue
  • BBC Video DVD Open