Bretenic Limited, Stationery system
Bretenic Limited, Stationery system
Bretenic Limited, Stationery system
Bretenic Limited, Stationery system

Bretenic Limited, Stationery system

Zync Communications Inc., Toronto, Ontario, 2007


It was conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner who said, “You’ve got to be who you are, no matter how dangerous.”

Paul Russell is a writer specializing in marketing and corporate communications. He’s also a great guy with a brilliant sense of humor. He has the uncanny ability to cut through layers of superfluous details and shed light on subject matter that can be daunting at best. It was important to avoid typical stationery formulas and to develop an identity that was honest and respectful. Zync’s solution was to create a series of vignettes that work as an introduction to Paul and his offerings. These stories are paired with design that works very hard to not detract from the content and to present Paul in all his unconventional glory.

Collections: AIGA 365: 29 (2008)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Stationery


Design firm
Zync Communications Inc.
Creative director
Marko Zonta
Art director
Mike Kasperski
Mike Kasperski
Mike Kasperski
Flash Reproductions, Springfield Graphics
Bretenic Limited