• "Vignettes"
  • "Two by Two"
  • JH, logo
  • “Dead of Winter”
  • "Your front wheels steer the car...."
  • Blown Away Book
  • "Memories"
  • New West, September 10, 1979
  • "Miss Miller"
  • "Theirs/Ours"
  • The new Suzuki 4x6
  • Duracell 1994 Annual Report
  • Boss Hog
  • Nike “I Can Play”
  • Poetryman-5 Poems by Greg Keeler
  • "Get Ready ... Racquetball ..." Ad
  • 1995-96 K2 Snowboards ‘Zine
  • Alter Ego
  • Thought Is the Potential for Everything
  • Durex “Get It On”
  • Steelcase Specification Guides
  • HP Hands “Paulo”
  • Cantor Wedding
  • XXIst Century (Premiere Issue)
  • Network
  • Beatnik
  • Train Song