• The Cook’s Catalog
  • Nightmares of Eminent Persons and Other Stories
  • Entertaining Boxes, 1959, no. 24
  • Chinese Grocery, poster
  • A Seizure of Limericks, book jacket
  • Flamenco Spectacular, record album cover
  • Major Barbara
  • Adweek Portfolio/Illustration
  • Almayer’s Folly, paperback cover
  • The Story of Gösta Berling
  • Fifteen Years of Heartache and Aggravation, exhibition poster
  • Bob Dylan, promotional flyer
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 39, Holiday Issue
  • The Push Pin Graphic, Number 35
  • Alfredo Viazzi’s Italian Cooking
  • Monthly Graphic no. 24
  • Monthly Graphic no. 21
  • Monthly Graphic
  • Master & Dog, Push Pin Graphic Number 57, house organ
  • The Push Pin Style, catalogue
  • Peter, Paul and Mary brochure
  • Antony and Cleopatra, paperback book cover
  • Measure for Measure, paperback book cover
  • Units 1,2,3, 4, Junior High Guidance Workbooks
  • The Great American Dream Party, invitation
  • From Poppy With Love, record label and sleeve
  • Our Faculty Has Empathy, Imagination, Enthusiasm.  You Benefit, poster