• Berlioz/Nuits d’Été
  • Angel Alley/Linda Cohen
  • Maynard Ferguson/Carnival
  • Astoria Press, Inc., stationery
  • Distinguished American Women, portfolio
  • Roots, record album cover
  • Re-Elektra, leaflet
  • A Visual Symposium, course announcement
  • Folio 9, pamphlet
  • Baby Fat, announcement
  • The Wig, book jacket
  • The Poison Pen, exhibition announcement
  • 5 Sculptors Exhibition, announcement
  • TWEN Exhibition, announcement
  • The Cook, book jacket
  • Don Quixote, record album cover
  • Les Mouches, paperback cover
  • Paperbacks U.S.A., announcement folder
  • The Territory Ahead, paperback cover
  • Elbert Budin, letterhead and envelope
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 38, Fight Fat
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 40
  • The Petty Demon, book jacket
  • The Shadowlight Theatre, poster
  • VANDERBEEK!, announcement folder
  • Lives of the Poets, paperback cover
  • Son-Nova 1988, record cover