• Free Tuesday Evenings
  • Mobil Showcase-Shoulder to Shoulder, TV title
  • "Underground Garage"
  • Lord Peter Wimsey
  • Pride of Place: Building the American Dream
  • "Work Shop"
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Between The Wars (Press Kit)
  • "Going My Way"
  • Research and Development at Mobil
  • The Architect and the Energy Crisis, poster
  • The Racing Game
  • The Ascent of Man, poster
  • 8 cheap ways to shut the kids up when you’re driving.
  • Oil from Shale
  • Mobil Showcase—A Moon for the Misbegotten, TV title
  • Cousin Bette
  • Methanol to Gasoline
  • The Racing Game
  • "Opening Hood (Creaking Door)"
  • Cousin Bette
  • Rumpole of the Bailey
  • Rumpole of the Bailey
  • Manual Mobil
  • Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years
  • The American Museum of Natural History
  • American Museum of Natural History