• Alan Flusser
  • Irving Penn
  • Playing Cards and package
  • Heartbreak House Poster
  • Light Box Postcard Self-Promotion
  • Josef Albers:  Homage to the Square, exhibition catalogue
  • Modern Living
  • Mario Bellini, Designer
  • “What’s the Great Attraction?”
  • Diary Notebook 1958
  • Modern Organic Products Packaging
  • Mouse Count
  • Keely and Du” Poster
  • Seattle NAMES Project
  • Modern Site
  • Olivetti, bulletin
  • Drawing Now:
  • Jiffy Pow Invitation
  • The Grass is Greener at Green Mansions
  • Matisse, catalogue
  • “This Year You’ll Have Lots of Legs”
  • Austin Briggs, announcement
  • E.G. Smith
  • Alphapuzzle
  • If Doctors Prescribe, Buy, or Recommend
  • ABEX
  • Modern Site