• Economic Atlas of Ontario/Atlas Economique L’Ontario
  • The Seamen’s Handbook for Shore Leave, Seventh Edition
  • The Florentine Fior di Virtu of 1491
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  • The Black Book
  • Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the William L. Clements Library
  • Beautyway: A Navaho Ceremonial
  • The Praise of Folly
  • Theatre—The Annual of the Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center, Volume One, 1964
  • Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period
  • 21 Engravings, Volume I and II.
  • Pepperfoot of Thursday Market
  • The Mars Project
  • Imogen! Imogen Cunningham Photographs 1910–1973
  • Pennsylvania German Bookplates
  • Paintings and Drawings by Fitz Hugh Lane
  • The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler
  • Chuang Tsu, Inner Chapters
  • Pewter in America, Its Makers and Their Marks
  • The 1980s: A Virtual Discussion
  • Major Acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924–1974
  • Hail Chant and Water Chant, Navajo Religion Series\, Volume II\, illustrated
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  • The Mugaddimah: An Introduction to History