The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico

The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico

NBBJ, Seattle, Washington, 1996


The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico is a fast-paced comedy featuring two actors who play dozens of characters with a bare minimum of crudely drawn scenery to set the stage. Coca-Cola delivers a political message about American capitalism abroad while poking fun at just about everyone. The design was intended to appeal to a wide audience, communicating the fun of the play while subtly implying the political content. The low-budget necessities of this poster, web-press printing on newsprint, tied strongly to the nature of the play and became a very positive aspect of the final product. I enjoyed working on this poster because it demonstrates the power of an idea to not only transcend budget limitations but actually be strengthened by them. If this poster had had a $10,000 budget it wouldn’t have been better, just twenty times as expensive.

Collections: Communication Graphics: 18 (1997)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Illustration
Format: Illustration, Posters, Promotion


Design firm
Graphic designer
Daniel R. Smith
Found/Scanned Type, Franklin Gothic
Pacific Publishing Company
Cheap Newsprint
Empty Space Theater