• XXXIII International Biennial Exhibition of Art, catalogue
  • “Puppets or Products—”
  • “No End in Sight”
  • “No,” She Said Softly
  • Assets-Summer 1981
  • The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, poster
  • Television on Watch
  • Matthew’s Dream
  • Catalyst 6/Geigy, booklet
  • NBC Television Audience Promotion Kit 1960–1961 [Continental Classroom]
  • Black &
  • The Photography of Invention
  • “Your son worked 12 years for this watch. We worked 98.”
  • “Round-the-Clock stockings fit better at the knee”
  • Ev’ry Day with Meredith Wilson
  • Have You Ever Had Measles?
  • California Wine
  • Assets “Love”
  • Armstrong Type Manual
  • A Sign of Democracy
  • A Book of Dragons
  • Huntley-Brinkley NBC Convention & Election Almanac, newspaper supplement
  • “Who’s the Wise Guy”
  • National Press Promotional Series
  • NBC logo
  • Alcatraz:  Island of Change
  • "Wedding"