• Labanotation
  • Amerika
  • New Directions 17
  • Ubu Roi
  • Who Walk in Darkness
  • In the Winter of Cities
  • The Selected Poems of Frederico Garcia Lorca
  • The North Sea
  • The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone
  • Gandhi on Non-Violence
  • Siddhartha
  • The Collected Poems of Tennessee Williams
  • The Crack-Up
  • Some Natural Things
  • Seven Nights
  • The Wisdom of the Heart
  • The Crack-Up
  • Can These Bones Live
  • Poems from the Book of Hours
  • The She-Devil in the Mirror
  • Miss Lonelyhearts & the Day of the Locust
  • The Ego and the Centaur
  • The Complete Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, 1906–1938
  • The Bi-Monthly Filmstrip
  • Journey to a Known Place
  • An Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry
  • The Goliard Poets, Medieval Latin songs and satires with verse translation by George F. Whicher