• Domestic Manners of the Americans
  • The Typographic Treasures in Europe
  • Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas & Yucatan
  • Rasselas in the New World
  • Hell for Leather! The Epwell Hunt, The Melton Hunt
  • Contemporary American Portrait Painters, Illustrating and Describing the Work of Fifty Living Painters
  • The Adventures of an Illustrator, Mostly Following His Authors in America & Europe
  • Addresses on the Occasion of the Opening of the American Wing
  • The Town Pump, An American Comedy
  • Trade-Marks, Designed by Clarence P. Hornung
  • The Ghost Plays of Japan
  • Lectures in Criticism, The Johns Hopkins University
  • The Life of Our Lord
  • The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Florentine by birth but not in conduct, Part I: Hell.
  • Quarto Club Papers, MCMXXVII–MCMXXVIII
  • Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light Commanded by John Borden, Borden-Field Museum Alaska-Arctic Expedition, 1927
  • Pius XI on Christian Marriage, In the original Latin with English translation
  • The Georgics of Virgil
  • Bruce Rogers: Designer of Books
  • The Essays of Montaigne
  • The Unspoken, and Other Poems
  • The Inferno from La Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri
  • Opus V
  • New Essays by Oliver Goldsmith
  • Nature
  • The London Perambulator
  • Studies on Modern Painters