• Image 7: Polyptych Two
  • The U.S.-Mexican War
  • Animal Triste
  • Ai Kitahara Works 1992–2005
  • The Picture Book
  • On the Ceiling
  • F1984T2008
  • Coleçao moda brasileira (Brazilian Fashion Collection)
  • Beyond the Edge: New York’s New Waterfront book
  • How to Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul
  • A Minimal Future? Art as Object 1958-1968
  • Stephen Crane
  • Parallax
  • American Contemporary Furniture
  • Commonplace Books: A History of Manuscripts and Printed Books from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century
  • The Books of the Bible and The Pocket Canons
  • Identifying Courage, The Stories of Alabama Veterans