The Jungle, The New York Trilogy, Cold Comfort Farm, Fairy Tales, The Portable Dorothy Parker, Candide
Penguin Group (USA), New York, New York, 2005
For trade publishing, this project is about as dreamy as it gets—dead (well, mostly) authors, high-end production and amazing literature combined with the best graphic novelists, all doing what they do best. No nitpicking, no committee, no consensus, just everyone having a grand time with the material.
Juror Notes
Brilliant repackaging and repositioning of the classics. The decision to have contemporary graphic novelists and cartoonists illustrate the covers could be construed as trendy if they didn’t work so beautifully.
They’ve done it again: The publisher who gave us the paperback has made the time-honored new again. This time they’ve borrowed from their big brother incorporating flaps and deckle-edged paper. Classic. There’s more. They’ve commissioned contemporary illustrators—graphic novelists—to do the covers. This is a smart move to bring a younger audience to these timeless books.
- Design firm
- Penguin Group (USA)
- Art directors
- Paul Buckley, Helen Yentus
- Creative director
- Paul Buckley
- Illustrators
- Charles Burns, Roz Chast, Anders Nilson, Seth, Art Spiegelman, Chris Ware
- Printer
- Coral Graphics
- Publisher/client
- Penguin Group (USA)