• Carta Marina: World Geography in Strassburg, 1525
  • The Jersey Standard Story
  • Rossetti’s Sister Helen
  • The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
  • Zen, Rocks, and Waters
  • Just So Stories
  • Elf Owl
  • Frankel Style Guide
  • Owl
  • The American Republic, Vol. 2
  • A-V Instruction: Materials & Methods
  • Carved Jade of Ancient China
  • A Cheyenne Sketchbook
  • The Look Approach (The Littlest Cadet)
  • A House Dividing, Lincoln as President Elect
  • How Come Christmas
  • Cheerful, A picture-story
  • 1952 Life Insurance Policy Edition
  • Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company Insurance Policy
  • The Sonnets of William Shakespeare
  • A Note on the Discovery of a New Page of Poetry, in William Blake’s Milton
  • Tuesdays at Ten: A Recalling of Old Hours for Pennsylvania Men—Concrete Illustrations, Tangents, Asides
  • The Sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz
  • Adanson, Part I
  • Random House Encyclopedia
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