• The Cloisters
  • The Jersey Standard Story
  • Interiors Book of Offices
  • Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World with Lemuel Gulliver
  • Early Maps of North America
  • Four Portrait Busts by Francesco Laurana
  • Zen, Rocks, and Waters
  • Yankee Iron
  • Collected Poems of James Joyce
  • Sixteen to Sixty: Memoirs of a Collector
  • Our Lord Don Quixote (Bollingen Series LXXXV Vol. 3)
  • A Masque of Reason
  • Birds From My Homeland
  • Steuben Glass
  • Hogarth’s Graphic Works, Volumes I and II
  • Pat the Bunny
  • L’Affaire Crainquebille
  • Woodland Portraits
  • Life For Dead Spaces
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • Photography, 1839–1937
  • Edgar Allan Poe—Tales
  • Plate:  The Dialogues—Volume 2
  • Eight Poems
  • Legends & People
  • The Spiral Press Through Four Decades
  • To Alain White