• Don’t Trust Your Oven!
  • "The problem with many slow learners..."
  • "A kid can look retarded, act retarded, and...”
  • "Attack of Car-Dog"
  • Village Voice rate cards
  • Volvo 1971 Advertising & Promotion Kit
  • Christmas Card
  • Village Voice renewal notices
  • Introducing the Volvo 164. promotion piece
  • “Which is the $2,800 Picasso?”
  • Israelis Devour Wimpys, poster
  • "Out of 156 stocks..."
  • Happiness Loves Company
  • After 50 years in men's clothing…
  • Mary Ann Larkin, stationery
  • The rich need Volvos too.
  • "Things are tough all over."
  • "Sauna"
  • "Abandoned Car"
  • “When you serve Finlandia Vodka…”
  • Why is this man smiling?
  • Can a car improve with age?
  • “Playboy exposes the part of Burt Reynolds…”
  • "The slower you put them together..."
  • “The world’s best chili…”
  • “How I bought a Volvo wagon…”
  • Volvo protects the parts that withstand collisions…