• Dwarf Long Nose
  • Sports Cars
  • La Bâtarde
  • Dedication—The Gift Outright—The Inaugural Address
  • The Magician of Lublin
  • Rock Crystal
  • Poetry in Crystal
  • Daniel
  • Language for Everyone
  • Anthology of Islamic Literature
  • Cellist in Exile:  A Portrait of Pablo Casals
  • Aesop
  • Life For Dead Spaces
  • The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico
  • The Wreck of the Thresher and Other Poems
  • Gauchos of the Pampas and Their Horses
  • The Had
  • Joseph Wood Krutch Herbal
  • Intermediate Accounting
  • Hounds and Hunting in Ancient Greece
  • Buttons in the Back
  • The Oxford Concise Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible
  • The Last of the Incas
  • 95 Poems
  • A Reviewer’s ABC: A Collected Criticism of Conrad Aiken from 1916 to the present
  • Paintings in the White House
  • In Search of Man