• Looking for a City in America: Down These Mean Streets a Man Must Go...
  • Strange Gravity
  • Lance Hidy's Posters: Designs Personal & Public
  • Notorious
  • Von Reck's Voyage
  • Some Women
  • The Animals
  • A Matter of Time
  • Religious Art in France: The Late Middle Ages
  • Bradbury Thompson: The Art of Graphic Design
  • Puerto Rico Mio: 4 Decades of Change
  • The Letters of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 1: 1731–1772
  • Africa
  • Valimik
  • Breath
  • Still Such
  • Paintings and Drawings by Fitz Hugh Lane
  • European Graphic Arts
  • Petra
  • The Ogeechee: A River and Its People
  • Reorientations Catalog, The Gallery at Takashimaya
  • The Promise of Light
  • The Early Illustrated Book
  • The Rowfant Manuscripts
  • The Golden House of Nero
  • The Mahler Album
  • Irving Penn: Master Images