• Faces
  • The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
  • Trustable and Preshus Friends
  • Art in the Early Church
  • The Boy Who Was
  • Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of His Work
  • Captain Toad And The Motorbike
  • The Pharisees and Other Essays
  • The Skin Spinners
  • Making Vegetables Grow
  • A World of Vegetable Cookery
  • De Meyer
  • Chronology of Books and Printing
  • Teen Cuisine
  • The New French Cooking
  • Further Fables for Our Time
  • The Collected Poems of James T. Farrell
  • Books: From Writer to Reader
  • The Birthday of the Infanta
  • An Early Victorian Album
  • A Book of Prayer
  • Prison
  • Jonathan Swift’s Directions to Servants
  • A Civil War Artist at the Front, Edwin Forbes’ life studies of the great army
  • Gerhardt’s Children
  • Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature
  • A Very Young Dancer