• The 35th Art Director’s Annual
  • Secrets of the Great Pyramid
  • American Bard
  • The Green World
  • Some Instructions To My Wife
  • The Castle of Crossed Destinies
  • Artist and Advocate: An Essay on Corporate Patronage
  • The Firebird And Other Russian Fairy Tales
  • Wit’s End
  • 77 Dream Songs
  • Delta of Venus
  • The Boy Who Was
  • Teen Cuisine
  • Dragons of Eden
  • Further Fables for Our Time
  • See It Now
  • A World of Vegetable Cookery
  • Jonathan Swift’s Directions to Servants
  • Prison
  • Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature
  • A Civil War Artist at the Front, Edwin Forbes’ life studies of the great army
  • From Flintlock to M1
  • The Collected Poems of James T. Farrell
  • The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, Together with a Version in Modern English Verse
  • Let’s Marry Said the Cherry
  • Longhouse Winter
  • The Whole Wheat Heart of Yasha Aginsky A Vegetarian Cookbook