• The Unsubscriber
  • Amos & Boris
  • Portraits
  • Taboo series
  • The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine
  • Natasha
  • Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
  • American Jesus
  • The Red Swan
  • Road-Side Dog
  • The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis
  • The Beast of Monsieur Racine
  • In the Trail of the Wind
  • The Madonna of Excelsior
  • Listen to This
  • The Beats
  • I Am Not Jackson Pollock cover
  • Role Models
  • I Dream of Microwaves
  • Fat Pig
  • Into and Out of Dislocation
  • Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature
  • The Coast of Akron
  • Madame
  • The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights
  • Tower: Faith, Vertigo and Amateur Construction
  • Malamud series