• “An Image Emerges”
  • I Will Tell You of a Town
  • This was Toscanini
  • The Way Some People Die (teaser cards)
  • Print Magazine
  • Gothic no. 25 and no. 26 Poster from Typography & Paper Series
  • “The Long and Short of It”
  • Itch Card for Dimetane
  • Animal Stories
  • “Let Type Talk”
  • “Shirt Ad for Father’s Day”
  • Man Without a Gun, promotion kit
  • A Bonus Case
  • Letterhead—DMJM, GRAD, SEEYLE
  • A Letter from Mrs. Knoll
  • Masterworks, booklet
  • “Portrait of a Building—Herman Miller”
  • Ambar—She needn’t be wound up
  • Ambar—he needn’t blow his top
  • Otto in Africa
  • News Gothic—News Gothic Bold
  • Simon & Schuster Books for Everyone
  • This is the Milk that Jack Drank
  • The Circus of the Sun
  • The Pull-Out Picture Book
  • Mommies At Work
  • It’s an Open and Shut Case