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  • God’s Own Junkyard
  • Contemporary Basic Mathematical Skills, Second Edition
  • Chemistry
  • Edwardian Fiction
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Emily Dickinson—Lives of a Poet
  • General Chemistry
  • The Stones of Florence
  • Grandfather’s Cake
  • Sincerely Yours: The Famous & Infamous As They Wanted to Be Seen
  • The Birthday Party Book
  • Souvenirs de Jeunesse
  • Treehorn’s Treasure
  • Michelangelo Antonioni
  • Les Mouches
  • The City Observed: Boston
  • Henry Thoreau: A Life of the Mind
  • Principles of Accounting
  • The Dictionary of Antiques and the Decorative Arts
  • Plunkitt of Tammany Hall
  • The Kit Furniture Book
  • The Bird Watcher’s Anthology (Limited Edition)