• The 1999 AAUP Book, Jacket and Journal Show
  • One Hundred Years of American Psychiatry 1844–1944
  • Dykelands
  • Renard the Fox
  • Frustration and Aggression
  • The Unmediated Vision
  • The Tales of Rabbi Nachman
  • One Writer's Beginnings
  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Heritage and Obligation
  • The Breaking of the Day
  • Bee Time Vine and Other Pieces, 1913–1927
  • Factory Folkways, A study of institutional structure and change
  • Giovanni Bellini’s St Francis in the Frick Collection
  • Showstoppers: Busby Berkeley and the Tradition of Spectacle
  • Soviet Choreographers in the 1920s
  • A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200–1800
  • The Mistress Cook
  • Masked Culture
  • Paul Rand: A Designer's Art
  • A Letter From Li Po and Other Poems
  • Bibliography of American Literature: Volume I: Henry Adams to Donn Byrne
  • Her Hudsband for Duke University Press, 2000
  • The Biological Basis of Human Freedom
  • The Passports Printed by Benjamin Franklin at his Passy Press
  • Francesca Alexander
  • Fables of a Jewish Aesop
  • MOJO: Photographs by Keith Carter