• The Architecture of Islamic Iran: The Il Khanid Period
  • Little People in a Big Country
  • Rasselas in the New World
  • Folk Songs of French Canada
  • Benjamin Franklin’s Proposals for the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania
  • Reminiscences of Newell Sill Jenkins
  • Early English Christmas Carols
  • Primitive Art:  Its Traditions and Styles
  • The Columbia Encyclopedia
  • Man in the Modern World
  • Amos and the Moon
  • The Making of Urban America
  • The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks
  • Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy
  • A Civil War Artist at the Front, Edwin Forbes’ life studies of the great army
  • Willie Masters’ Lonesome Wife
  • Shelley’s Major Poetry, The fabric of a vision
  • China and the Occident: The Origin and Development of the Boxer Movement
  • The Silver Palace Restaurant
  • The Search For Environment
  • Letters of Robert Browning
  • Arts of the Eskimo: Prints
  • Wet Apples, White Blood
  • The Unanswered Question
  • Harvard University Handbook, An Official Guide
  • The Testament of Beauty: A Poem in Four Books
  • The Chinese Theatre