XIX Amendment Installation at Grand Central Terminal
Drenttel Doyle Partners, New York, New York, 1995
The objective of this installation was to increase awareness of the 75th. Anniversary of the 19th. Amendment on a small budget in an enormous room. By enlarging the law to fill the room, passersby were confronted with the monumental one-sentence amendment-28 revolutionary words that were fought over for 70 years.
The actual text of the 19th. Amendment, which reads: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of sex" was applied in eight foot letters (9,936 point type) to the marble floors of the main waiting room in Grand Central Station. A 20-foot "tower" presented historical references enlightening the history of the struggle for suffrage and the leaders and their public and private dramas. Finally, DDP pulled off a project where the client didn't ask for the type to be bigger.
Notes: Materials were partially donated by vendors. The letters were made from 3M's scotchguard floor graphics marking film. The tower was constructed of mahogany and ash woods joined by epoxy and tensioned with steel cables. The tower's imagery was printed by Duggal Color Projects.
- Design firm
- Drenttel Doyle Partners
- Creative directors
- Stephen Doyle, Miguel Oks, William Drenttel
- Graphic designers
- Stephen Doyle, Lisa Yee
- Architectural designer
- James Hicks
- Project manager
- Cameron Manning
- Photographer
- Scott Frances
- Client
- New York State Division for Women