• After Barbed Wire: Cowboys of Our Time
  • Assimilation, Inc.
  • “Circular Reasoning”
  • Exodus
  • Romeo Juliet Poster
  • Jim Laser
  • The Lab Book
  • CF2GS Stationery System
  • Double Justice Poster
  • Hedrich Blessing
  • Twelfth Night
  • While you're in Atlanta...
  • O'Neill's Auto Body Works
  • The Werewolf of Paris
  • “Some of My Best Friends Are Artists”
  • Dust Has Settled… (Invitation)
  • 1994 Exhibition Postcards
  • Hotline Packaging
  • Shooting Scripts
  • Shaklee Health Club (Wall Mural)
  • A Little Night Book (Glow-In-The-Dark Book )
  • Airborne Express
  • “Double Justice” Poster
  • Jeff Corwin Photography
  • Opportunities & Being Unheard of
  • Portfolio Center Catalogue