• Drawings from the Clark Art Institute, Volume I and II
  • Goethe’s Works, with the exception of Faust: A Catalogue
  • Machu Picchu: A Citadel of the Incas, Report of the Explorations and Excavations made in 1911, 1912 and 1915 under the auspices of Yale University and The National Geographic Society
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
  • Perspecta 11: The Yale Architectural Journal
  • The Pirotechnia of Vannoccio Biringuccio
  • Poems
  • The Family of God
  • Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal
  • Bradbury Thompson: The Art of Graphic Design
  • Why Poetry Matters
  • Modern French Theatre from Giradoux to Beckett
  • Anchors of Tradition: A Presentment of Some Little Known Facts and Persons in a Small Corner of Colonial New England called Narragansett to Which Are Added Certain Weavings of Fancy from the Thread of Life upon the Loom of Time
  • Sartre
  • Frustration and Aggression
  • Winslow Homer Watercolors
  • The Breaking of the Day
  • Diaries, Prayers, and Annals
  • Paul Rand: A Designer's Art
  • R.L.S. Stevenson’s Letters to Charles Baxter
  • The Railroad Station
  • The Works of Colonel Trumbull
  • A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes
  • Roofed Theaters of Classical Antiquity
  • Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance
  • The Myth of the State
  • The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1