• The Clouds of Aristophanes
  • Catalogue of British Paintings in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery
  • Three Essays: I. Book Buying—II. Book Binding—III. The Office of Literature
  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor: From the Arabian Nights Entertainments, Woodcuts by Philip Reed
  • Punch and Judy, Accompanied by the dialogue of the puppet-show, an account of its origin, and of puppet-plays in England
  • Essays, First and Second Series
  • A Picture of America: The Photostory of America—As It Is—And As It Might Be Told by The News Camera
  • The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Omai, First Polynesian Ambassador to England: The True Story of his Voyage there in 1774 with Captain Cook
  • The Continental Tales of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography
  • Dandelion Cottage
  • The Spanish Occupation of California: Plan for Establishment of a Government; Junta or Council held at San Blas, May 16, 1768; Diario of the Expeditions made to California Assembled for this book
  • Ship of Fools, An Original Leaf from the First Edition of Alexander Barclay’s English translation of Sebastian Brant’s “Ship of Fools,” printed by Richard Pynson in 1509
  • Machu Picchu: A Citadel of the Incas, Report of the Explorations and Excavations made in 1911, 1912 and 1915 under the auspices of Yale University and The National Geographic Society
  • New Helvetia Diary, A Record of Events Kept by John A. Sutter and his Clerks at New Helvetia, California, from September 9, 1845, to May 25, 1848
  • Piratical Barbarity, or The Female Captive: Comprising the particulars of the capture of the English sloop Eliza-Ann, on her passage from St. Johns to Antigua, & the horrid massacre of the unfortunate crew by the Pirates, March 12th, 1825