• The Hunting of the Snark
  • The Travels of Marco Polo, The Marsden Translation Revised and Edited with an Introduction
  • The Thrifty Dreamers and Other Poems
  • Shakespeare’s Debt to Montaigne
  • American Taste
  • Humanist Sermons
  • The Ghost Ship
  • The Significance of Anthony Trollope
  • The Higher Citizenship: Two Addresses
  • Jemima Condict: Her Book, Being a transcript of the diary of an Essex County maid during the Revolutionary War
  • Zadig: An Oriental History
  • Old Virginia in Block Prints
  • John Irby’s Passing Creates a Void
  • The Modern Writer
  • Layout in Advertising
  • Richard C. Jenkinson Collection of Books
  • Music and the Cultivated Man: An Essay
  • West-Running Brook
  • Record of Endowment Fund for the Maintenance of Sulgrave Manor
  • Journal, 1803
  • A Sentimental Journey through France & Italy
  • A Riband on My Rein: Poems
  • Vita de Sancto Hieronymo, Reprint of the Life of St. Jerome, in Italian, which is found in few copies only of the edition of his Letters printed at Ferrara by Lorenzo de Rossi in 1497
  • Genius in Homespun (Robert Burns)
  • Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • The Testament of Beauty: A Poem in Four Books
  • American Democracy Today, and Other Essays on Politics and Government