• The Scarlet Letter
  • November
  • Biblio-Typographica: A Survey of Contemporary Fine Printing Style
  • An Inland Voyage
  • The Adventures of an Illustrator, Mostly Following His Authors in America & Europe
  • Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light Commanded by John Borden, Borden-Field Museum Alaska-Arctic Expedition, 1927
  • Island of Bali, With an Album of Photographs
  • Pius XI on Christian Marriage, In the original Latin with English translation
  • The Santa Fé Trail to California 1849–1852: The Journal and Drawings of H.M.T. Powell
  • Festum Praesentationis:  A Fourteenth Century Prompt Book
  • Kingdom of Innocents
  • Chariton’s Chaereas and Callirhoe, Translated from the Greek by Warren E. Blake, Associate Professor of Greek, University of Michigan
  • The Maps of the California Gold Region, 1848–1857, A Biblio-Cartography of an Important Decade