• The Three-Cornered Hat
  • Caste in a Peasant Society: A Case Study in the Dynamics of Caste
  • The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World
  • Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book
  • The Letters of Benjamin Franklin & Jane Mecom (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 27)
  • Goethe’s Works, with the exception of Faust: A Catalogue
  • Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown
  • Central European Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
  • Three Exemplary Novels
  • John Mix Stanley and His Indian Paintings
  • The Columbia Encyclopedia in One Volume (Second edition)
  • The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation
  • The Stark Reality of Responsibility; The welcoming and acceptance addresses before the Democratic National Convention 1952
  • The Bellies Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, Prince of France
  • George Clymer and the Columbian Press
  • Essays, First and Second Series
  • Blake’s Illustrations to the Divine Comedy
  • Renoir Drawings
  • Ralph Walker—Architect
  • The Pennsylvania Germans
  • The Twelve Moneths and Christmas Day, From ‘Fantastickes’
  • Types, Borders and Miscellany of Taylor & Taylor, with historical brevities on their derivation and use
  • Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry
  • Granger’s Index to Poetry
  • The Flowering of New England
  • Mexican Bouquet
  • Tobacco is American: The Story of Tobacco before the Coming of the White Man (Arents Tobacco Collection\, Publication No. 2)