• Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Phoenixiana, A Collection of the Burlesques & Sketches of John Phoenix, alias John P. Squibob, who was, in fact, Lieutenant George H. Derby, U.S.A.
  • Many Moons
  • Once There Was a General
  • The Clouds of Aristophanes
  • George Clymer and the Columbian Press
  • A History of the Printed Book, being the Third Number of the Dolphin
  • Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Editions in the United States and Canada as they appear in the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress
  • The Twelve Moneths and Christmas Day, From ‘Fantastickes’
  • A Catalogue of the Books of John Quincy Adams, With Notes on Books, Adams Seals and Book-Plates
  • Delaware, A Guide to the First State
  • The Diary of Johann August Sutter, With an Introduction by Douglas S. Watson, Number 2 of the Grabhorn Press Reprints of Rare Americana
  • A Picture of America: The Photostory of America—As It Is—And As It Might Be Told by The News Camera
  • The Nekcsei-Lipocz Bible, A fourteenth century manuscript from Hungary in the Library of Congress, Ms. Pre-Accession 1; A study by Meta Harrsen
  • Master Peter Patelan
  • Charles Olson in Connecticut: Last Lectures
  • The Anatomy of Lettering
  • A Commonplace Book of Cookery
  • 21 Engravings, Volume I and II.
  • The Discovery of Florida: Being a True Relation of the Vicissitudes That Attended the Governor Don Hernando De Soto…by A Fidalgo of Elvas
  • The Rockefeller McCormick Tapestries: Three Early Sixteenth Century Tapestries, With a Discussion of the History of the Tree of Life, Volume 1
  • Champ Rosé, Wherein May Be Discovered the Roman Letters That Were Made by Geofroy Tory and Printed by Him at Paris in His Book Called “Champ Fleury”
  • The Book of Oz Cooper: An appreciation of Oswald Bruce Cooper, with characteristic examples of his art in lettering, type designing and such of his writings as reveal the Cooperian Typographic Gospel
  • Oratio de Hominis Dignitate (Oration on the Dignity of Man)
  • Stories of the Streets and of the Town, from The Chicago Record, 1893–1900
  • Naval Sketches of the War in California, Reproducing Twenty-Eight Drawings made in 1846–47 by William H. Meyers, Gunner on the U.S. Sloop-of-War Dale
  • At Swim, Two Boys