• Tom Hodgson Will Exhibit
  • “Whispering Streets”
  • “Montesquieu on the essence of freedom”
  • Puntadas Artisticas—Singer
  • Form, No. 9
  • The sound of sleigh bells
  • Christmas card
  • “Lao Tzu on Generosity”
  • “Puppets or Products—”
  • “No End in Sight”
  • Olivetti, bulletin
  • Impressions
  • A Short Walk, book jacket
  • Pappagallo, letterhead and envelope
  • 4GL
  • Matisse, catalogue
  • Stationery—Christ Church
  • The Love of Books
  • Testosterone Blotter
  • Poster exhibition
  • Typographic Craftsman, Christmas card
  • “Millicent, where DO you get your millinery?”
  • “This Year You’ll Have Lots of Legs”
  • “Eastern Advertising at Western Prices”
  • Steuben, Xmas catalogue
  • Television on Watch
  • The Archetypal World of Henry Moore, book jacket