• Survival Through Design
  • From Flintlock to M1
  • California’s Best Wines
  • The Art of Eating
  • Painting Toward Architecture
  • The Divine Comedy
  • The Journal of Fray Marcos de Niza
  • Organogenesis of Flowers
  • The Golden Mother Goose, 367 childhood favorites
  • Twelve Fables of Aesop
  • Thomas Bewick, 1753–1828
  • A Chinese Printing Manual
  • The Violet (Das Veilchen), The history of a song
  • The Road to Mecca
  • New Letters of Berlioz, 1830–1868
  • Nothing But Prairie and Sky
  • The Goliard Poets, Medieval Latin songs and satires with verse translation by George F. Whicher
  • A Russian Journal
  • Art For the Family
  • Crusade in Europe
  • Cuba Libre
  • The Alphabet of Creation
  • The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha
  • A History of the School of Engineering, Columbia University
  • Below the Fold: Fall 2005
  • Ace High, the Frisco Detective; Or, The Girl Sport’s Double Game. A story of the Sierra and the Golden Gate City
  • California Gold Rush Voyages