• Indians of Peru
  • Sculpture in Wood
  • T.E. Lawrence, a Bibliography
  • The Mousewife
  • The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone
  • Cooking for Christmas
  • Ten Day Invasion of England
  • The Good-For-Nothings
  • The Emily Post Cookbook
  • Galland’s Iowa Emigrant
  • The Materials and Methods of Sculpture
  • The Marble Fountain
  • Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
  • Pat the Bunny
  • Tracy’s Tiger
  • The Earth is the Lord’s
  • The Music of the People
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • This Fascinating Animal World
  • Joan Miró
  • Fifi
  • The House of Chan Cookbook
  • Elena’s Fiesta Recipes
  • Spindletop
  • European Master Drawings in the United States
  • The New Colophon, A book collector’s quarterly
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese