• Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
  • Pat the Bunny
  • Tracy’s Tiger
  • The Earth is the Lord’s
  • The Music of the People
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • This Fascinating Animal World
  • Joan Miró
  • Fifi
  • The House of Chan Cookbook
  • Elena’s Fiesta Recipes
  • Spindletop
  • European Master Drawings in the United States
  • The New Colophon, A book collector’s quarterly
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese
  • Woodcuts
  • Film and Its Techniques
  • Muleback to the Convention: Letters of J. Ross Browne
  • Wings in the Wilderness
  • One More Spring
  • Life in a Mexican Village. Tepoztlán Restudied
  • Lincoln’s New Salem
  • Laurel Hill and Later
  • Selected Fables
  • The Creation of Sculpture
  • Soutine
  • Illustrated Jig-Tooling Dictionary