• Saint Peter Relates an Incident of the Resurrection Day
  • The Pearl: The Fourteenth Century English Poem, Rendered in Modern Verse, with an Introductory Essay by Stanley Perkins Chase
  • Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle, Prepared for the Press by Geoffrey Scott and Frederick A. Pottle
  • Portraits on Our Postage Stamps, Some Notes on the Paintings and Sculptures from Which They Derive, And a Check-list
  • A Catalogue of the Collection of Arms and Armor Presented to The Cleveland Museum of Art by Mr. and Mrs. John Severance, 1916–1923
  • Maryland Silversmiths 1715–1830, With Illustrations of Their Silver and Their Marks and with a Facsimile of the Design Book of William Faris
  • The Georgics of Virgil
  • On Modern Gardening: An Essay by Horace Walpole
  • West Wind, The Life Story of Joseph Reddeford Walker, Knight of the Golden Horseshoe
  • John Adams’s Book, Being notes on a Record of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of Three Generations of the Adams Family 1734–1807
  • A Christmas Carol in Prose, being a Ghost Story of Christmas
  • The Letter of Christopher Columbus, Concerning His First Voyage to the New World, Done into English
  • Pen-Knife Sketches, of Chips of the Old Block
  • Droll Stories: Thirty Tales by Honoré de Balzac, Completely Translated into Modern English by Jacques Le Clercq
  • Phoenixiana, A Collection of the Burlesques & Sketches of John Phoenix, alias John P. Squibob, who was, in fact, Lieutenant George H. Derby, U.S.A.
  • Soldiers of the Overland, Being some account of the services of General Patrick Edward Connor & his Volunteers in the Old West
  • Sidney Lawton Smith: Designer, Etcher, Engraver, With Extracts from His Diary and a Check List of His Bookplates
  • The Expedition into California of the Venerable Padre Fray Junípero Serra and His Companions in the Year 1769
  • Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages
  • West Made East With the Loss of a Day
  • Piratical Barbarity, or The Female Captive: Comprising the particulars of the capture of the English sloop Eliza-Ann, on her passage from St. Johns to Antigua, & the horrid massacre of the unfortunate crew by the Pirates, March 12th, 1825
  • An Original Leaf, from the Bible of the Revolution, and an Essay concerning it, Colonial Edition
  • The Diary of Johann August Sutter, With an Introduction by Douglas S. Watson, Number 2 of the Grabhorn Press Reprints of Rare Americana
  • A Picture of America: The Photostory of America—As It Is—And As It Might Be Told by The News Camera
  • Jemima Condict: Her Book, Being a transcript of the diary of an Essex County maid during the Revolutionary War
  • John Peter Zenger, and His Fight for the Freedom of the American Press  Together with a Genuine Specimen of the New York Weekly Journal printed by John Peter Zenger
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography