• The Letter of Christopher Columbus, Concerning His First Voyage to the New World, Done into English
  • Pen-Knife Sketches, of Chips of the Old Block
  • Droll Stories: Thirty Tales by Honoré de Balzac, Completely Translated into Modern English by Jacques Le Clercq
  • Phoenixiana, A Collection of the Burlesques & Sketches of John Phoenix, alias John P. Squibob, who was, in fact, Lieutenant George H. Derby, U.S.A.
  • Soldiers of the Overland, Being some account of the services of General Patrick Edward Connor & his Volunteers in the Old West
  • Sidney Lawton Smith: Designer, Etcher, Engraver, With Extracts from His Diary and a Check List of His Bookplates
  • The Expedition into California of the Venerable Padre Fray Junípero Serra and His Companions in the Year 1769
  • Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages
  • West Made East With the Loss of a Day
  • Piratical Barbarity, or The Female Captive: Comprising the particulars of the capture of the English sloop Eliza-Ann, on her passage from St. Johns to Antigua, & the horrid massacre of the unfortunate crew by the Pirates, March 12th, 1825
  • An Original Leaf, from the Bible of the Revolution, and an Essay concerning it, Colonial Edition
  • The Diary of Johann August Sutter, With an Introduction by Douglas S. Watson, Number 2 of the Grabhorn Press Reprints of Rare Americana
  • A Picture of America: The Photostory of America—As It Is—And As It Might Be Told by The News Camera
  • Jemima Condict: Her Book, Being a transcript of the diary of an Essex County maid during the Revolutionary War
  • John Peter Zenger, and His Fight for the Freedom of the American Press  Together with a Genuine Specimen of the New York Weekly Journal printed by John Peter Zenger
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography
  • The Bashford Dean Collection of Arms and Armor in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • The Portraits of Increase Mather, with Some Notes on Thomas Johnson, an English Meszzotinter
  • The Rockefeller McCormick Tapestries: Three Early Sixteenth Century Tapestries, With a Discussion of the History of the Tree of Life, Volume 1
  • The Spanish Occupation of California: Plan for Establishment of a Government; Junta or Council held at San Blas, May 16, 1768; Diario of the Expeditions made to California Assembled for this book
  • Machu Picchu: A Citadel of the Incas, Report of the Explorations and Excavations made in 1911, 1912 and 1915 under the auspices of Yale University and The National Geographic Society
  • A Catalogue of the Memorial Exhibition of the Works of the Late John Singer Sargent to be opened on the occasion of the unveiling of Mr. Sargent’s mural decorations over the main stair case and the library of the museum.