• Cuba Libre
  • Around the Horn in ’49: The Journal of The Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company, December, 1848 to September, 1849, With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis
  • Flowering Trees of the Caribbean. 30 Paintings by Bernard and Harriet Pertchik
  • The District Doctor, and Other Stories
  • The Film of Murder in the Cathedral
  • Japanese Prints by Harunobu & Shunsho, in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux
  • Golden Goat, The parable of the worthy rich man and the unworthy poor man
  • Queen Calafia’s Land, An Historical Sketch of California
  • The Rodgers and Hart Song Book
  • Letters to and from Madame du Deffand and Julie de Lespinasse
  • The Indians in Southern California in 1852, the B.D. Wilson Report and a selection of contemporary comment
  • The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation
  • William and his Friends, A Group of Notable Creatures in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese and Chinese Illustrated Books in the Ryerson Library of The Art Institute of Chicago
  • Punch and Judy, Accompanied by the dialogue of the puppet-show, an account of its origin, and of puppet-plays in England
  • Ace High, the Frisco Detective; Or, The Girl Sport’s Double Game. A story of the Sierra and the Golden Gate City
  • Omai, First Polynesian Ambassador to England: The True Story of his Voyage there in 1774 with Captain Cook
  • Coulterville Chronicle: The Annals of a Mother Lode Mining Town
  • Tobacco is American: The Story of Tobacco before the Coming of the White Man (Arents Tobacco Collection\, Publication No. 2)
  • North from Texas: incidents in the early life of a range cowman in Texas, Dakota and Wyoming 1852–1883
  • Dandelion Cottage
  • 21 Engravings, Volume I and II.
  • Anno’s Alphabet
  • Blackberry Winter
  • How Many Miles from St. Jo? The Log of Sterling B.F. Clark, a Forty-Niner, with Comments by Ella Sterling Mighels Together with a Brief Autobiography of James Phelan, 1819–1892, Pioneer Merchant
  • The Books of WAD, A Bibliography of the Books designed by W.A. Dwiggins
  • Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.