• God’s Images
  • Glass From the Ancient World
  • Pitschi: The Kitten Who Always Wanted to Be Something Else
  • Democracy in America, Vol. I and II
  • Strathmore Expressive Printing Papers
  • Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Festum Praesentationis:  A Fourteenth Century Prompt Book
  • The Way Beyond ‘Art’—the Work of Herbert Bayer
  • California As It Is & As It May Be, Or A Guide to the Gold Region  
  • A Series of Monographs on Color: No. I: Color Chemistry, No. II: Color as Light, No. III: Color in Use
  • Aldus Pius Manutius, With an Essay, Together with a leaf from the Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili printed at Venice in 1499
  • Art For the Family
  • Women Together
  • Summer Mountains:  The Timeless Landscape
  • Plan and Design for the Roosevelt Memorial in the City of Washington, Submitted to the Congress of the United States by the Roosevelt Memorial Association
  • A Travel Book
  • “Bravo Towell” Bravo Photo Masters Brochure
  • Full and By: Being a Collection of Verses by Persons of Quality in Praise of Drinking
  • Elements of Physical Geography
  • The Clouds of Aristophanes
  • Catalogue of British Paintings in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery
  • Three Essays: I. Book Buying—II. Book Binding—III. The Office of Literature
  • The Arts of the French Book, 1900–1965: Illustrated Books of the School of Paris
  • TriQuarterly 32: Anti-Object Art
  • Headlands
  • The Saturday Evening Post Fiber & Bran Better Health Cookbook
  • Pleasure Beach