• The Tragedie of Ivlivs Caesar
  • The Shaping of Our Alphabet
  • The Tragedie of Macbeth. With portraits of the players by Mary Grabhorn.
  • The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico
  • Was It a Good Trade?
  • House & Garden’s New Complete Book of Gardens
  • The McGraw-Hill Author’s Book
  • Survival Through Design
  • Boswell’s London Journal 1762–1763
  • The Runaway Elephant
  • See It Now
  • Menaboni’s Birds
  • Six Nonlectures
  • Basic Ballet
  • Doctor Faust
  • From Flintlock to M1
  • The Historiography of Modern Architecture
  • The Art of Eating
  • African Folktales & Sculpture
  • The House of Moonlight
  • The Family of Man
  • The Juggler of Our Lady
  • Tales out of the East
  • Wordsworth. Centenary Studies Presented at Cornell and Princeton Universities
  • Twelve Fables of Aesop
  • Journal of a Cruise to California and the Sandwich Islands in the United States Sloop-of-War Cyane, 1841–1844
  • Surgical Technigrams