• Danton book jacket
  • Knight's Landing book jacket
  • Luce book jacket
  • Minimal Art paperback cover
  • The Burning Mystery of Anna in 1951
  • Stravinsky
  • Rodchenko
  • Velvet Eden
  • Montana Gothic
  • Dreemz
  • Fill’er Up
  • Rome, Vol. 1
  • Portrait of a Scoundrel
  • Joe Louis
  • Ghosts
  • Saul Steinberg
  • Robert Elwell, bookplate
  • Benjamin Spock, M.D., book
  • The Wig, book jacket
  • The Ice Age, book jacket
  • The Cook, book jacket
  • The Fratricides, paperback cover
  • A Time on Earth, book jacket
  • La Cuisine de France, book jacket
  • Internationale Revue der Anzeige, cover
  • Royal Typographers Type Book
  • The Sun’s Attendant, book jacket