• “Sinead O'Connor”
  • The Boston Globe Magazine May 11, 1986
  • The Washington Post: Washington Home/May 9, 1985
  • Air Brush Digest September/October 1982
  • The Atlantic January 1983
  • Mother Jones, November 1981
  • Industrial Launderer August 1983
  • Zoetrope #7
  • The Amicus Journal, Driving Beyond the Limit
  • Philip Leonian Celebrates the Liberation Movement, poster
  • A Day in the Life of the Soviet Union
  • When Was the Last Time You Saw McMullan?, mailing piece
  • Eight American Masters of Watercolor, booklet
  • Squatters in Black Tie—Jackass Penguins
  • Sports Monday, The New York Times, May 26, 1980
  • Architectural Forum/June 1963, magazine cover
  • A Christmas Telegram, greeting folder and envelope
  • Interiors April 1959, cover
  • “Metallica”
  • A Critique of America September/October 1987
  • Is the Middle Class Doomed?
  • The Boston Globe Magazine, October 3, 1982
  • Northwest Extra, Vol. 1 #6/Abortion
  • Alumni Bulletin
  • The New York Times Home Section, September 10, 1981
  • Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, cover
  • “The Bat's Meow”