• Duke Ellington-Braggin’ in Brass
  • Paul Desmond—Late Lament
  • Slammin’ Watusis—Kings of Noise
  • Elvis Costello
  • Lou Reed
  • Reflections
  • The Point
  • Nicholas Cricket
  • Brothers in Arms
  • The Fifth Child
  • Confessions of a Short Order Artist
  • James Beard
  • P.C.P.
  • Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
  • Audibility of Distortion
  • Brain Storm
  • The Narc Has Nightmares
  • Does That Dame Think She Is?
  • Anatomical New York
  • Downstream
  • Murdertown, U.S.A.
  • 1989
  • Summer 1989
  • Invitation for a Gallery Opening
  • The Rain Maker
  • William Tell Festival