• Golden Royal Pistachios
  • Prince of Orange Label
  • Heart
  • ESPRIT  Recycled Shopping Bags
  • Finale
  • Deluxe Packaging Kit
  • ZZ Top, "Recycler"
  • War Ballads U.S.A., record album
  • Record Album Cover The Billie Holiday Story Volume II
  • Berkeley Beers
  • BurnNet
  • TaB Energy
  • Compression Master PC
  • Richard Thompson "Rumor & Sigh"
  • Kooky Cutters Packaging
  • 5 Heads Are Better Than One
  • Athletes' and Staff Lunch Box
  • Fiona Apple  “Tidal”
  • Z Contemporary Cuisine
  • “Fishbone”
  • The Small Things Co.
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones brand identity and packaging
  • Mario Piú: The Vision
  • 25 Films by Akira Kurosawa
  • Eternal Chant
  • Sonic Youth, "Dirty"
  • Pat Metheny “Secret Story”