• REAX-77XF, poster
  • Civilisation, poster
  • ABC 69/70, portfolio
  • Holiday Greeting
  • The Student Looks At Business, booklet
  • Art Metal—Knoll, announcement mailer
  • Colorcast +5, folder
  • Admissions Brochure, three posters in envelope
  • Fine Arts Exhibition, call for entries
  • 50 Advertisements, invitation
  • Black & White, party invitation
  • Envision, brochure
  • The Arctic, poster
  • Viva Chavez, poster
  • Remember When ..., brochure
  • Inflatable Sculpture poster
  • The Jewish Museum, March 1969, calendar
  • Knoll International, brochure
  • Bauhaus, poster
  • Exhibition Two, poster
  • Exhibition of Modern Prints, poster
  • Logarhythms, poster
  • Open House 1969, poster
  • Special Summer Computer Course
  • Takis Exhibition, poster
  • Tucker-Buttrick Concert, poster
  • Paperpower, call for entries