• Knoll Atlanta
  • Orlando Diaz-Aczuy
  • Oola Candy Store
  • Jonathan Apples
  • Brahms/Ein Deutsches Requiem
  • Transparency as Metaphor
  • Views, Spring 1981
  • Six by Six
  • Apollo Logo
  • TR. Graphics #3,4,5
  • Gorky’s Beer
  • Solo
  • Typography and Letterpress Printing at U.C. Davis
  • Peter's Landing, 1979
  • Oola Candy Store
  • Broken Rules
  • Wolfgang Weingart Lecture
  • Prange Department Store
  • If We'd Been Around in 1885
  • The Best...
  • An Evening With Eric Sevareid
  • Details Magazine
  • Emerging Voices ‘85
  • Connect
  • Metier Furniture Corporation
  • Yale at Norfolk
  • Body Language