• TR 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Double Bill Jazz Concert
  • Designer's Saturday, 1982
  • Pillar Corporation
  • 1989 Corning Global Network
  • Bell Gallery, List Art Center, Brown University, 1982-83
  • Come Celebrate, We're Expanding
  • Digital Typography/1000 Faces
  • Dr. Linda Price
  • Metier Furniture Corporation
  • J.C. Penney Co., Inc.
  • Taking Things Apart...
  • AIA Call for Entries
  • Neuberger & Berman
  • The Best of...
  • Judith Stockman
  • Evans Pre-School Day Care Center
  • Myriad/Two-Axis Typeface (Type Specimen Booklet)
  • Chermayeff & Geismar Associates at PCA
  • Gips + Balkind + Associates
  • The Smoking Gun: A Dossier of Secret, Surprising, & Salacious Documents from the Files of thesmokinggun.com
  • Minion/Three-Axis Typeface (Type Specimen Booklet)
  • The Michael Peters Group
  • IDCNY Welcomes the 1988 AIA Convention
  • Cyber-Neologoliferation
  • Pricing & Ethical Guidelines, 6th Edition
  • CMOM (Children’s Museum of Manhattan)